Can Technology be a Bad Thing?

This weeks topic was: Can Technology be a Bad Thing?

There were too many images that I found that were too good not to share!

Unfortunately, my husband and I are sometimes guilty of this:
Image result for can technology be a bad thing
We have to make sure to put our phones/devices away and have quality time together and quality conversations with no social media or tv shows involved. This is definitely a reason why technology can be a bad thing! 

Isn't it sad that kids don't play outside and explore as much anymore? There are so many amazing things out in the world, but we are all stuck inside playing video games, watching Netflix, or on our devices!
Image result for can technology be a bad thing

It is crazy to me when I see such young kids at the Elementary age with phones doing this!
Image result for can technology be a bad thing

I think technology can be a great thing and a terrible thing. It is all about how we use it, what we use it for, and how long we use it! As adults and educators, it is our job to teach students how to safely navigate technology. Technology can be scary and be intimidating for many, but thats only if they let it be intimidating. It is so important that we take the time to learn how to use new technology and stay up to date so that we don't fall behind.

For this week's blog post, I chose the question prompt: In 2018, why is technology still a class kids go to to learn to use a tool and not an integrated part of the lessons we teach?

I think that technology is still a class for a few reasons.
  1. Money
  2. Time
  3. Teachers
Our schools don't have the money to supply every student with a device so that our classrooms can be integrating technology. Instead, they can buy one class set, have it in the Technology classroom, and students will get to learn to use it in that class. Problem Solved. 

Our schools also don't have the time (or money) to train teachers on how to use these new devices to be able to integrate them in the classroom. Instead, they have one technology teacher go to a few different conferences and learn how to do it. Then they only have to pay to train one person and only take the time of that one person AND that one person can teach every kid in the school. 

Not all teachers know how to use new technology or want to learn how to use it. Even if their school had the money to supply it and train them on it, they still may not integrate it in their classrooms and we can't trust or hope that all teachers will. 

This is a very tough but relevant topic that we face today. Do you agree with my 3 reasons? 


  1. I agree that we do need to keep a lab class to teach the basics. It gives the classroom teacher more time to allow the students to complete an activity that is using technology if they don't have to teach the tools first. It makes me sad to think about schools that are still having issues on getting all teachers on board to integrating technology within their classrooms. It is so important to reach the teachers and let them see how this is so beneficial to having the students ready for their future. The stakeholders need to see the importance of technology within the classrooms and help produce a way to make this possible.

    I remember hearing teachers complain about all the new technology that we were being told to use and they were refusing to use it. The common saying was "If you don't want to change then it is probably time to get out of education." Technology isn't going to go away. The students coming into school now days know more about technology then they do about reading, writing, or math. We have to get with the times.

    By the way I loved your pictures, even though it is sad that we spend more time on devices then we do enjoying life sometimes! I think we are all guilty of this at some point.

    1. You are exactly right! Some people just have the wrong idea about technology and need to take the time to learn about it and become comfortable with it. All while trying to balance it in our lives and not use it too much or for the wrongs things! Easy enough, right? Hah!

  2. Easier said then done sometimes unfortunately!!!

  3. Chandler, I think you summed up the three reasons so simply! You spoke my thoughts in such a concise manner. I also loved your summary on technology. My children have never understood my reasoning for not letting them play on devices or watch unlimited TV at home. I have always felt there is so much more they can learn from playing outside, or even legos inside, or reading. I want to instill creativity and imagination in my children, and I do not feel that devices are always the right way to do so. It seems like most any dilemma in a school are summed into those exact three reasons--time, money, and teachers. Well written!

    1. Thanks Karen! And you are right! That is a constant struggle with kids at home and in the classroom. This is because they were born into a world full of technology! It is crazy what all is available to them that wasn't available to us as kids. We didn't have any other option than to play outside and be creative!


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